
The Brian Keane Podcast

Health, fitness and mindset lessons from industry leaders with 3X best-selling author Brian Keane. Including guests like Gabby Bernstein, Robin Sharma, Chris Williamson, Dr David Sinclair, Dorian Yates, Mat Fraser, Tia Toomey, Steven Kotler, Diamond Dallas Page, James Smith, Rashad Evans, Joe Wicks, Dr John Demartini and more. Understanding the world of health, fitness and mindset can be difficult. This podcast will help.
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The Brian Keane Podcast










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Jun 2, 2017
If you eat less than 1000kcal per day, you WILL lose weight but you will more than likely rebound back worse than were you started. If you are wondering how to get the same results (lose weight and body fat) but not f**k up you body, check out the full episode:
1.     How juice, bar or massively calorie restricted diets can ruin your metabolism.
2.     How to eat, train and supplement so you can lose weight (or body fat) the right way and keep it off long term.
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness
May 29, 2017
All questions from Facebook Live on Brian Keane Fitness.
1) Thoughts on natural test booster supplements?
2) If you were on death row, what would be your last meal?
3) Best alcohol to take if you have IBS?
4) How many carbs should I be eating if I am trying to lose fat or cut?
5) What’s your opinion on social media fake nattys?
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness    
May 26, 2017
-       Make sure your training and nutrition is geared towards your goals
-       Set a goal, target, date to work towards
-       If fat loss is the goal, add in finishers instead of normal cardio to push past plateaus
-        Try cycling your carbs (low, medium and high days)
-       Use these fat burning supplements (if needed)
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness


May 22, 2017
1.     How to eat and train to look great for a night out (guy and girl)?
2.     Is there any exercise that burns stomach fat?
3.     How can I get rid of shin splints?
4.     Best workout for working off back fat?
5.     I have a really slow metabolism, any tips to fire it up?
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness
May 19, 2017
1.     What's the best supplement you'd recommend for bulking up muscle?
2.     Should I cut out carbs to lose weight?
3.     Should I cycle reps when bulking and cutting?
4.     Should I use protein even when I’m trying to lose weight?
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness
May 15, 2017
1.     What is the best thing to eat after fasted cardio?
2.     How can I shrink bulk (muscular) legs?
3.     I have no problem sleeping but feel tired when I wake up, what should I do?
4.     Does HIIT cardio affect maintaining muscle mass?
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness
May 12, 2017
1)    Advice for someone looking to grow a PT Facebook page?
2)    Thoughts of 5 by 5 Training?
3)    I’m getting married this year, I’m scared of the gym, can I lose weight with just cardio and low calories or should I do weights?  
4)    If you were stranded on a desert island, would you eat McDonalds?
Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness
Snapchat: briank019
Instagram: brian_keane_fitness
YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness
May 8, 2017
Danny is the is the CEO of Sigma Nutrition and Performance. He has a formal scientific background in academia completing a masters in nutritional science at UCC. 
As well as producing media content, Danny also works as a performance nutritionist to professional MMA fighter, professional boxers and competitive power lifters.
He also has an online coaching service that helps a wide array of clients with nutrition related issues and he is the host of the top podcast Sigma Nutrition radio (which everyone should check out).
Outside of nutrition, Danny is a Brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt, raw power lifter and most importantly a fellow life long arsenal fan.
For more information on Danny, check him out below.
Book recommendations:
Daniel Gilbert – Stumbling on Happiness
Eric Helms – The Muscle and Strength Pyramid Training
Eric Helms – The Muscle and Strength Pyramid Nutrition


May 1, 2017
Scott is a Sports nutritionist (MSc), the Director and Founder of of Food For Fitness and has featured on the cover of Men’s Fitness on two separate occasions. In today’s episode we talk about Scott’s journey from cover model to business owner and all the nutrition and supplement myths that are in the fitness industry at the minute.
“CLA work for fat loss.. if you’re a rat!”
Book recommendations:
Robin Sharma The Greatness Guide
Louise Burke – The Complete Guide to Food for Sports Performance
For more information on Scott, check him out below.


Apr 28, 2017
Ben is a nutritionist, educator and speaker from the UK and has the UK's number 1 health and fitness podcast Ben Coomber radio (which everyone listening should check out).
Bens journey started when he was 16 years old and obese, he struggled to lose weight and suffered from IBS, ADHD, eczema, poor energy levels and had posture due to his lazy habits as a teenager
Over the last 10 years, Ben has helped thousands of people achieve their goals through his books, blogs, videos and podcasts (he has some great ramblings on social media too).
He now spends a large chunk of time educating personal trainers and coaches via the body type nutrition academy, his online nutrition course while innovating and teaching people about supplements at Awesome Supplements. He current travels the world as a public speaker, has a combined total of over 100k followers on social media and is on a mission to help change the worlds health.
For more information on Ben, check him out below:
Book recommendations:
Paul Chek – How To Eat Move and Be Healthy
Apr 24, 2017
Phil Graham is a nutritionist, author and speaker from Northern Ireland. He was diagnosed with diabetes at the age if 16 and has been committed to developing his knowledge in Health, fitness and Nutrition ever since. We talk about Phil’s journey from Type 1 Diabetes to top bodybuilder, business owner and author. We talk everything from health and fitness to building a morning routine, books everyone should read, how social media can mess with your mind and taking ownership to building the life you want.
For more information on Phil, check him out below.


Apr 21, 2017
1)    I can’t grow my biceps but I train them every day?
2)    I’ve started training for tension but the weights I’m lifting are lighter, will that still help me build lean muscle?
3)    What’s the difference in having a protein bar VS  a protein shake after training?
4)    Will lucozade sport or sports drink after I train affect fat loss?
5)    What is the best thing to eat before a workout?
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.


Apr 17, 2017
1)    How can I get a healthy balance between fitness, family, friends and a social life?
2)    If you could only train your body or your mind for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
3)    Do you think a lot of the problems our body’s face can be fixed with nutrition?
With Barry from O’Sullivan Fitness
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 120k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Book Recommendations from this episode:
Stumbling On Happiness – Daniel Gilbert


Apr 14, 2017
All questions sent in via snap chat briank019
1)    How can I boost my energy naturally?
2)    How can I build muscle and lose body fat at the same time?
3)    How long do your training sessions last for?
4)    Should you take protein before or after training if weight loss is the goal?
5)    How much water should I drink if Im using creatine?
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.


Apr 10, 2017
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor but I suffered with IBS, leaky gut and stomach problems for years and have all but completely fixed my problems through a few nutritional and lifestyle change (and gut healing supplements). Today’s episode is everything I did over the past 18 months to heal my gut. I hope it helps.
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.


Apr 7, 2017
As requested from the incredible feedback from Episode 42 ‘How To Get a Betters Nights Sleep’ - this is part 2 on how I have fixed nearly two decades of terrible sleep.
1)    Blue Light Blocking Glasses
2)    White Noise Machine
3)    SAD Alarm Clock
4)    Magnesium and Taurine to relax my Central Nervous System (CNS)
5)    GABA, 5HTP and Melatonin (how to cycle them so you don’t get used to them).
Book Recommendations from this episode:
The Story of the Human Body – Daniel Lieberman
Social – Matthew Lieberman
Products that I use from this episode (I’ll just put product names so you can Google them)
Swanwick Glasses
Lectrofan Noise Machine
Lume Body Clock (SAD alarm clock)
Apr 3, 2017
Assuming you have your training program and nutritional plan in alignment with your fat burning goals, these 6 under rated fat burners can move you to the next level.
1)    Fasted Cardio Timing
2)    Omega 3 Supplements
3)    Apple Cider Vinegar
4)    Complex Carbs (Insulin Sensitive Times)
5)    Giant Sets
6)    MCT Oil
Book Recommendations from this episode:
Minimum Fat, Maximum Muscle – Ori Holfmekler
Mar 31, 2017
Improv Q+A with O’Sullivan Fitness
1)    Thoughts on you are what you eat?
2)    Do you think the basics are overlooked in training and diet?
How being at the bottom of the wrong ladder is better than being at the top of the wrong ladder.
Book Recommendations from this episode:
Poor Charlie’s Almanack – Charlie Munger
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Mar 27, 2017
Improve Q+A with O’Sullivan Fitness
1)    Do you think at the minute there is an under emphasis on nutrition, training or both in the fitness industry? 
2)    If you could give one message or piece of advice to people around the world regarding their health, what would it be?
3)    Do you think finding and pursing your passion is the key to happiness?
Book Recommendations from this episode:
The Obstacle is The Way – Ryan Holiday
Letters from a Stoic – Seneca
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Mar 24, 2017
All questions sent in via snap chat briank019
1)    What’s the best way to get a define abs and lose fat at bottom of your stomach?
2)    What are the best books to read to get a positive mindset?
3)    Why are you reps so slow in all your videos, is this perfect form?
4)    I have a bad stomach and cant drink green tea or coffee, what else can I drink for fat loss?
5)    I’m interested in becoming a personal trainer, how should I go about it?
Book Recommendations from this episode:
The Obstacle is The Way – Ryan Holiday
Awaken The Giant Within – Tony Robbins
Napoleon Hill – Think and Grown Rich
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Mar 20, 2017
1)    How to ‘hack’ the weekend so you don’t fall off track
2)    How to eat, train and supplement to minimize alcohol related fat gain
3)    Using sex (or any fasted cardio) the morning after to burn through alcohol in your system
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Mar 17, 2017
1)    What is your natural curiosity?
2)    What did you grow up around?
3)    What would you do for free?
4)    What kind of personality do you have?
5)    Where is the fear coming from?
6)    Are you setting goals that scare the sh*t out of you?
Book Recommendations from this episode:
Gary Vaynerchuck – Crush It
Attached – Amir Levin
Evolution of Desire – David M Buiss
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.


Mar 13, 2017
Improv Q+A with Barry from O Sullivan Fitness.
1)    Is the health and fitness industry going in the right direction and where do you see the industry in 5, 10 or even 15 years from now?
2)    In your opinion, is there a lack of emphasis on mind-set today and how important is it for people for succeeding and begin happy in general?
3)    In business or life in general, do you think its important for everyone to have goals or to have a will to succeed- or do this depend on the individual?
Book Quotes from this episode:
Poor Charlie’s Almanack – Charlie Munger
The Republic – Plato
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Mar 10, 2017
All questions sent in via snap chat briank019 and Instagram brian_keane_fitness
-       Any tips for a young entrepreneur trying to break into the business world?
-       Any tips of getting a girl to text me back, does it come down to mindset?
-       What are the benefits of box squats as opposed to regular squats?
-       How can I be more consistent with food and training, I have a few good days and a few bad days?
-       I have a few big events coming up, how can I drink alcohol and not ruin my progress?
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
Book Recommendations from this episode:
Poor Charlie’s Almanack – Charlie Munger
The Snowball – Warren Buffett
Attached – Amir Levin
Evolution of Desire – David M Buiss


Mar 6, 2017
Improv Q+A with Barry from O Sullivan Fitness.
1)    If you were stranded on an island and you were allowed 3 books with you, which ones would you choose?
2)    Can you explain the prime ingredients to succeeding in your career, goals or life in general>
3)    If you could tell the Brian Keaen from 10 years ago two pieces of advice, what would they be and why?
Book Recommendations from this episode:
Tony Robbins ‘Awaken The Giant Within’
Ryan Holiday ‘The Obstacle is the Way’
Seneca ‘Letters from a Stoic’
Marcus Aurelius ‘Meditations’
Robert Greene ‘Mastery’
For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.
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