David Hartigan is the co-owner of the company Hemp Heroes. In today’s podcast, we go through all the most frequently asked questions that come in about CBD Oil.
This has been a game-changing supplement for me and I’ve talked about the benefits I’ve felt from using it. I’ve also linked up with Hemp Heroes for a 10% off code for any orders through their website.
For 10% off all hemp heroes order, enter the code ‘briank10’ at checkout.
Hemp Heroes website: https://www.hempheros.ie/
Hemp Heroes Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/hempheros/
My new BKF Online Program is starting on the 6th of May. For today's episode, I've talked a little bit about that program but mainly focused on tips and tricks for getting in shape for summer. If you're looking to lose body fat, tone up or build muscle, hopefully this helps you loads.
BKF Online Program: Starts Monday the 6th May
Are you looking to transform your body and mindset for the long term?
The BKF Online Program could be exactly what you’re looking for. This program is based around using high intensity workouts (at home or in the gym) alongside high quality foods (with loads of recipes) to help you transform your body composition for the long term.
My goal is to build a nutritional strategy with you that include foods that you enjoy that fit into your lifestyle and schedule and is in alignment with your specific goals. This combined with the right training program and certain supplements is the key to short AND long-term success.
The cost of this program is €196 which includes:
Once you’ve paid through the link below, your place will held for 6th of May for when we officially begin.
In exceptional cases, I can facilitate up to 60 people but that’s the absolute maximum as the link closes when it hits 50 people.
I look forward to hopefully working with you in my BKF Online Group.
Male Program – Click Here https://briankeanefitness.com/product/bkf-online-male/
Female Program – Click Here https://briankeanefitness.com/product/bkf-online-female/
Sarah Godfrey is a fitness influencer, sponsored athlete and businesswoman.
I’ve known Sarah for years and this is the first time we have caught up in forever. The conversation ranges from everything to do with body image, drugs, and depression to building social media, working full time as an influencer and transitioning into program creation and managing a fitness business.
I hope you enjoy it.
Sarah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarah_godfrey_/?hl=en
Sarah’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkWHi5ike2CAZzj_iSp7xQ
Sarah’s Website: https://www.sarahgodfit.com/welcome-v6
Jason is a former CrossFit Games world champion and the author the incredible new book As Many Reps As Possible.
Jason is also one of the most accomplished athletes in CrossFit Games history. In 2008, he was crowned the Fittest Man on Earth and has earned other top finishes across the board.
In today’s episode, we talked about everything from winning the Crossfit Games in 2008 and how he ate/trained for his physical peak in 2014 to the AMRAP mentality the perspective changes he had after his daughters battle with leukemia (they celebrated 1 year out of treatment last week).
I hope you enjoy today's podcast with one of Crossfit’s most decorated athletes and someone I’ve been dying to have on the podcast since I launched it in 2016.
Jason’s website: https://www.jasonkhalipa.com/
Jason’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonkhalipa/?hl=en
Laura Crane is a professional surfer, model and 2018 Love Island contestant.
On top of putting out amazing content around her workouts on her social media channels (which I highly recommend checking out), her surf videos and photos are second to none!
This episode is an absolute belter! On top of talking all things health, fitness, and mindset, we also go into Laura’s history with an eating disorder, her experience on Love Island, 11 days in the hospital with sepsis and leaving school at 15 to pursue her dream of becoming a professional surfer. I freaking loved this one! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Laura’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauraloucrane/?hl=en
Her New YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXCCnhoLpmnPTeWlaxZ52xw
Brian's Books Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/BRIANSKEANEBOOKS
Today's Question Of The Day via Instagram.
Check out my 10 Question Q+A on Instagram Stories. Feel free to send in your questions every morning from Monday to Friday.
Ben Coomber is a nutritionist, coach, speaker, writer and former obese man sharing his journey.
Day to day Ben coaches in his Fat Loss for Life coaching program and is the owner of Awesome Supplements & The BTN Academy.
This is a massively wide-ranging conversation. We discuss everything from fat loss behavior and standards to digital distractions, social media and using reflection to combat any unhappiness in your life. My mindset is stronger having had this conversation! I hope you get as much from it as I did. Enjoy.
Today’s call to action.
What you are currently unhappy about?
Ben’s podcast: https://bencoomber.com/podcast
Ben’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bencoomber/?hl=en
Episode 59: https://briankeanefitness.com/podcast/59-eating-real-food-instagram-selfies-just-awesome-ben-coomber/
My appearance on Ben Coomber Radio: https://play.acast.com/s/bencoomber/293-big-scary-goals-and-extreme-personality-traits-with-brian-keane
I’m experimenting with some short form podcasts for the next week or two. These are in addition to the weekly and twice weekly interviews so be sure to let me know if you’re finding them helpful.
I do a 10 Question Q+A Monday-Friday on Instagram and I’ll be taking the questions from there.
“You don’t only live once, you only die once. You get to live every day!”
Sophie Grace Holmes is an Extreme Endurance Athlete, Personal Trainer, Motivational Speaker and Adventurer.
On top of putting out amazing workouts and motivational images on her social media, she is also a pillar of the fitness world for the Cystic Fibrosis community.
In today’s episode, we talked through everything from dealing with the obstacles that life throws your way, handling the mental health issues we all face to extreme endurance events and pushing your body to its physical limits. I’m so fired up after this one! Enjoy!
Sophie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophiegraceholmes/?hl=en
Brian's Books Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/BRIANSKEANEBOOKS