Sanjay Rawal is a documentary filmmaker. He spent a decade in human rights philanthropy before realizing he could deepen his impact by turning a lens on cultures and communities worthy of notice. Hence was born a career in documentary filmmaking. Sanjay’s documentaries include Ocean Monk, Challenging Impossibility, and Food Chains, which takes a hard look at migrant farm labour exploitation.
Sanjay’s latest offering and the focus of today’s conversation is 3100: Run and Become. A behind-the-scenes immersion into the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race — the world’s most elusive and elite, multi-day running race.
Held annually around one utterly unremarkable half-mile urban sidewalk block in Queens New York, it demands competitors to complete at least 59 miles daily for 52 straight days.
The film also explores the historic and current relationship between running and spirituality through intimate visits with the Marathon Monks of Japan; the persistence hunters of Africa’s Kalahari tribe; and Arizona’s Navajo Nation.
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3100 Run and Become Documentary:
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